This Week's Liturgy

"this is my body"

June 3rd, 2018

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

Discussion Questions for Reading 1

Consider for a few moments how blood is a sign of life and holiness. Give some examples of how, when and why this sign helps us to be grateful for life and to appreciate all life as holy. What examples can you think of in our society where blood is not valued as a sign of life and holiness? How might these negative examples affect our relationship with God?

On this Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, how can we show that we are faithful to our baptismal commitment to God?

Reading 1 Exodus 24:3-8

Reading 1 Reflection

We think of blood as a sign of life. The Israelites of Old Testament times also considered it a sign of holiness. They used the blood of sacrificial animals to seal the covenant or agreement between God and God's people. The sprinkling of blood on the altar and on the people made it a very solemn event to be remembered by the twelve tribes of Israel.

This story helps us as Christians to have a deeper appreciation of the new covenant that was sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Discussion Questions for Reading 2

Making sacrifices for those we love is a common characteristic of family life. What are some of the ways parents make sacrifices for their children? How have you made sacrifices for the good of your parents, brothers, sisters, or other family members? We are rarely asked to make the ultimate sacrifice to lay down our life for others. What examples can you give of people making this greatest of all sacrifices?

As you celebrate Eucharist and receive the Body and Blood of Christ, how will you show your gratitude for the sacrifice Jesus made out of love for us?

Reading 2 Hebrews 9:11-15

Reading 2 Reflection

If you have ever had to listen to an adult who used many unfamiliar words and spoke in very long sentences, you probably asked yourself, "Now what was that all about?" This second reading is a bit like that. Saint Paul is comparing the temple in Jerusalem with the heavenly Temple where Jesus is the high priest. The key point for us to grasp is that Jesus sealed the new covenant with God in his own blood, not the blood of sacrificial animals.

The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross won our eternal salvation. It was made once and for all, and need never be repeated.

Discussion Questions for Gospel

If you had a tape recording of your thoughts as you arrived for Mass today, what might be on it? Who or what helps you to get "plugged into" what is really happening in the celebration of the Eucharist? What ideas do you have about how your parish liturgy planners might help people to be more involved in the Mass?

How would you describe the difference the Eucharist makes in your life? What can you do to help others appreciate the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ?

Gospel Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

Gospel Reflection

When people arrive at their parish church to celebrate Mass on Sunday morning, they are often distracted by many things. But this gospel reading reminds us of what Eucharist is all about. It helps us to focus on the Last Supper, the final Passover meal Jesus shared with his friends. There we hear him say those familiar and astounding words: "This is my body. This is my blood."

The breaking of the bread and pouring out of the wine remind us once again of how Jesus' body was broken on the cross and how his blood was spilled for us. Now we are his body on earth. And we are nourished by his eucharistic presence among us.

Proclaiming Faith Activities for Primary Grades

The Last Supper

Reenact Mark's gospel account of the Last Supper. Gather the children in a large circle on the floor. Place a plate with flat bread and a goblet of grape juice in front of you. Read Mark 14:12-16 to the children. Share the bread and juice as they are mentioned in the reading.

At the Table

On a bulletin board make a table using colored paper. On this table place a picture of a chalice or cup and a picture of a plate with flat bread on it. Give each child a small paper plate. Have them draw their faces on their plates. Encourage them to embellish them using yarn, felt, and various craft materials. When these "faces" are complete, attach them to the bulletin board around the table. Across the top of the bulletin board, add the words, "This is my body. This is my blood."

Proclaiming Faith Activities

Making a Collage

Using available art and craft materials, make with your group a giant collage honoring the Body and Blood of Christ.

Consider using a combination of parish photos, magazine cut outs, drawings, and eucharistic symbols made of many different materials.

Incorporate the words "This is my body. This is my blood" into the mural in a direct or hidden way.

Decide when and where the mural will be displayed.

Completing a Prayer

Go into the inner temple of your heart and be silent for a few moments. Consider how you want to respond to the gift of Jesus' Body and Blood. Then complete the following prayer.

My Prayer After Communion

Jesus, you are welcome in my heart

and in my life. I am grateful for ___________________________________.

Fed with your Body and Blood,

I go out to serve you now by ___________________________________.

Stay with me, Jesus, and help me to ___________________________________.

Amen, amen.

For Bibles and other scripture resources, please see the Sadlier Religion Catalog.
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